Time utilization pattern and factor of drudgery and its impact on hill woman
Kanchan Pant, Dr. Jitendra Kwatra and Dr. Seema Kwatra
Drudgery is mainly result of the repetitive task, fatigue, physical stress, mental strain or hardship during activity experienced by the people. Generally Indian women feel more work for long time without rest and perform many roles in society and family. This drudgery or fatigue result in feeling tired, sleepiness, physical or mental stress, exhaustion and pain in body parts. So it can be said that all the farm women suffer from the drudgery while performing various activities. Thus this paper may help in finding various factors responsible for drudgery, its impact on women and their children and time utilization pattern of farm women. This study was carried out in two districts of Uttarakhand and total sample size of 120 was taken for descriptive data using purposive and random sampling. The descriptive data was collected with the help of interview schedule and it was observed that main factors responsible for drudgery was physical fatigue and in their working peak time period they spent seven hour of a day in farm activities. Women mostly respondents suffer from heavy physical strain and physical stress due to work and fewer respondents have the problem related with incidence of miscarriage. Most of the respondents felt that children are deprived of mother’s attention.
How to cite this article:
Kanchan Pant, Dr. Jitendra Kwatra, Dr. Seema Kwatra. Time utilization pattern and factor of drudgery and its impact on hill woman. Pharma Innovation 2020;9(12):170-173.