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Vol. 9, Issue 11 (2020)

Effect of lime coating and molybdenum on the yield and nutrient uptake of green gram (Vigna radiata L.) under mid central table land zone of Odisha

Meenakhi Prusty, MA Alim, Debashish Swain and Monika Ray
The field experiment was carried out at Regional Research and Technology Transfer Station (OUAT), Mahisapat of Dhenkanal district during kharif season of 2017 and 2018 to study the response of lime coating and molybdenum influencing the yield and nutrient uptake of green gram under Mid Central Tale Land zone of Odisha. The experiment was laid out in a randomized block design with four replications comprising of six treatments. The detailed of the treatments are as follows. T1-Soil Test Based Fertilizer Recommendation (STBFR), T2- Soil Test Based Fertilizer Recommendation (STBFR) + Rhizobium inoculation@ 20gkg-1 of seed + PSB @4 kgha-1, T3- Soil Test Based Fertilizer Recommendation (STBFR) + Rhizobium inoculation@ 20gkg-1 of seed + PSB @4 kgha-1 + FYM @5 tha-1, T4- Soil Test Based Fertilizer Recommendation (STBFR) + Rhizobium inoculation@ 20g kg-1 of seed + PSB @4 kg ha-1 + FYM @5 t ha-1 +Lime 0.2 LR, T5- Soil Test Based Fertilizer Recommendation (STBFR) + Rhizobium inoculation@ 20g kg-1 of seed + PSB @4 kgha-1 + FYM @5 tha-1 + seed coating with lime, T6- Soil Test Based Fertilizer Recommendation (STBFR) + Rhizobium inoculation@ 20gkg-1 of seed + PSB @4 kgha-1 + FYM @5 tha-1 + Molybdenum (1g Ammonium Molybdate per 2.5 kg of seed as seed treatment) + seed coating with lime. It was revealed that T6 recorded significantly higher seed yield (877.50 kg ha-1), 1000 seed weight (37.93 g) and No. of seeds per pod (12.43) followed by T5 with seed yield (827.50 kg ha-1), 1000 seed weight (37.58 g) and no. of seeds per pod (8.92). T6 was superior over T1 with the yield advantage of 34.5 % and B: C (1.76). The Concentration of nutrient N,P,K in the harvested seed was also found highest in T6 i.e. 5.27 %, 0.51% and 1.53 % followed by T5 having concentration of 5.07%,0.47 % and 1.47 % respectively. The same treatment T6 recorded higher uptake of N, P and K with 35.35, 6.62 and 20.47 kg ha-1 in the harvested seed, respectively.
Pages: 349-352  |  574 Views  218 Downloads

The Pharma Innovation Journal
How to cite this article:
Meenakhi Prusty, MA Alim, Debashish Swain, Monika Ray. Effect of lime coating and molybdenum on the yield and nutrient uptake of green gram (Vigna radiata L.) under mid central table land zone of Odisha. Pharma Innovation 2020;9(11):349-352. DOI: 10.22271/tpi.2020.v9.i11f.5378

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