Awareness about healthy food habits among college going girls
Reema Devi, Ella Rani and Manju Yadav
Many college going students still fall within the adolescent age group and show some common unhealthy eating patterns such as meal skipping, eating away from home, snacking and fast food consumption. Dietary patterns developed during adolescence may contribute to obesity and eating disorders and may increase the risk for several chronic diseases later in life. Health and nutrition of adolescents will affect the health and survival of future generations. College students are at risk for making poor dietary choices that can cause significant health problems. The study was carried out in CCS HAU, Hisar campus and hundred students (female) of university were selected randomly. The study concluded that most of the respondents had very little knowledge about the nutrients available in food. They are neither aware of about low cost recipes that are beneficial for them. This proves to be one of the major constraints in the eradication of diseases from the country especially among adolescence when their rapid increase in growth rate and nutrition plays an important role.
How to cite this article:
Reema Devi, Ella Rani, Manju Yadav. Awareness about healthy food habits among college going girls. Pharma Innovation 2020;9(10):584-586.