Impact of rice straw incorporation and nutrient management on economic returns and yield of summer rice in Chhattisgarh plains
GP Banjara
The field experiment was conducted during summer season of 2013-14 and 2014-15 at the Instructional cum Research Farm, Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Raipur (CG) to impact of rice straw incorporation and nutrient management on economic returns and yield of summer rice in Chhattisgarh plains. The result on rice straw incorporation revealed that significantly grain and straw yield, gross return, net return and B/C ratio was registered under rice straw incorporation @ 5 t ha-1 by disc harrowing twice fb irrigation at 30 DBT+10 kg N ha-1 (S3), in case of grain and straw yield were found at par to treatment rice straw incorporation @ 5 t ha-1 by disc harrowing twice fb irrigation at 30 days before transplanting (DBT) (S2) and Trichoderma treated rice straw incorporation @ 5 t ha-1 by disc harrowing twice fb irrigation at 30 DBT (S4) during both the years and on mean basis. In case of gross return and net return were at par to treatment Trichoderma treated rice straw incorporation @ 5 t ha-1 by disc harrowing twice fb irrigation at 30 DBT (S4) at 2014-15 and mean data. Along with that at par to treatment Trichoderma treated rice straw incorporation @ 5 t ha-1 by disc harrowing twice fb irrigation at 30 DBT (S4) at year 2013-14 and rice straw incorporation @ 5 t ha-1 by disc harrowing twice fb irrigation at 30 days before transplanting (DBT) (S2). Among the nutrient management revealed that significantly highest grain and straw yield, gross return, net return and B/C ratio were recorded higher under 150% RDF (180:90:60 kg N, P2O5 and K2O ha-1) (F4), which were found to statistically similar to treatment 100% RDF (120:60:40 kg N, P2O5 and K2O ha-1) (F3) during both the years and on mean basis.
How to cite this article:
GP Banjara. Impact of rice straw incorporation and nutrient management on economic returns and yield of summer rice in Chhattisgarh plains. Pharma Innovation 2019;8(11):41-43.