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Vol. 8, Issue 1 (2019)

Nutrient composition and antioxidant components of newer carrot germplasms

Keertikumari Kasale, Usha Malagi and K Ramachandra Naik
Nine newly identified carrot germplasms and one local carrot variety were evaluated in terms of nutrient composition and antioxidant components. For the proximate composition the difference in the mean values were significant at p < 0.01 level among the carrot germplasm. The total dietary fibre and sugar content of germplasms varied from 3.69 – 5.96 g/100 g and 8.38 – 11.18 g/100 g respectively. The minerals like calcium, phosphorous and iron content ranged from 75.16 – 101.75 mg/100g, 50.80 – 64.60mg/100 g. and 2.32 – 3.17mg/100 g respectively. The antioxidant components of carrots viz. total carotene, beta carotene, phenols and antioxidant activity varied from 4.35 – 13.74 mg/100g, 0.91 – 4.16 mg/100g, 1.97 – 3.98 mg/ 100g and 24.15 – 32.21% respectively. Germplasms UHSBC64, UHSB101 and UHSBC44-1 were good sources antioxidant components. Carrot germpalsms UHSBC53, UHSBC64 and UHSBC23-1 were on par with local carrot variety with regard to proximate composition, total dietary fibre, sugars, minerals and antioxidant components.
Pages: 23-28  |  1700 Views  458 Downloads

The Pharma Innovation Journal
How to cite this article:
Keertikumari Kasale, Usha Malagi, K Ramachandra Naik. Nutrient composition and antioxidant components of newer carrot germplasms. Pharma Innovation 2019;8(1):23-28.

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