Prevalence of E. coli isolates from different sources of water in Jabalpur city
Bhawana Rani, RV Singh, Varsha Sharma, Kashikar Supriya Satish, Sakuntala Birla, Dinesh Kumar, Shiva Singh and Umeel
The aim of the study was to observe the prevalence of E. coli by their morphological and biochemical test in various source of water in Jabalpur city. Out of 135 samples examined, 16 of E. coli were obtained showing an overall prevalence of 11.85%.The highest prevalence of E. coli was observed in Panipuri water (30.0%) followed by water from household purifier (13.33%), Narmada river water(10.0%), tap water/public place water (9.33%) and 0% prevalence in branded drinking water.
How to cite this article:
Bhawana Rani, RV Singh, Varsha Sharma, Kashikar Supriya Satish, Sakuntala Birla, Dinesh Kumar, Shiva Singh, Umeel. Prevalence of <em>E. coli</em> isolates from different sources of water in Jabalpur city. Pharma Innovation 2018;7(7):888-892.