A story of the hundred years on the exploration (1915-2016) of Orthopteran faunal diversity in and around Chilika Lake, Odisha
Swapan Kumar Das, Udipta Chakraborti, Debapriya Mukhopadhyay, Koyel Chakraborty and Bulganin Mitra
Studies on orthopteran species diversity of the Chilika lake was carried out to prepare a updated faunal inventory, hundred years after the first faunal exploration by Annandale and his team in 1915 and twenty six years after designation of Ramsar site. A total of 74 species under 58 genera of 9 families were reported in this present communication, of which 07 species reported for the first time from this area.
How to cite this article:
Swapan Kumar Das, Udipta Chakraborti, Debapriya Mukhopadhyay, Koyel Chakraborty, Bulganin Mitra. A story of the hundred years on the exploration (1915-2016) of Orthopteran faunal diversity in and around Chilika Lake, Odisha. Pharma Innovation 2018;7(7):705-710.