Abstract:Objectives 1. To assess the knowledge and attitude regarding use of psychoactive substance
2. To know the awareness regarding the health consequences of psychoactive substance
3. To know the extent of awareness regarding the pharmacological interventions available for management of psychoactive substance
Material and methods: A cross sectional observational study by presenting pretested semi structured questionnaire to final year HKE-Polytechnic students in Raichur. The opinion of the students were compiled and analyzed in an XL sheet, and results were analyzed.
Results: Majority of students could identify only tobacco and alcohol as psychoactive substance, and they did not have knowledge about other psychoactive substance. Most of the students were against using psychoactive substance, and they felt that psychoactive substance have little beneficial effect. Few students had friends who were using tobacco and alcohol. Majority of students were unaware of short term and long term complications of psychoactive substance use. Large number of students expressed that smoking would cause cancer, and that alcohol would damage liver and might cause heart attack. Student knew that nicotine gums were available for smoking cessation. For alcohol addiction, few felt that psychiatry opinion has to be obtained. Some expressed that alcohol addiction can be controlled by will power.
Conclusion: Most students could identify the commonest psychoactive substances mainly the alcohol and tobacco. However their awareness regarding health consequences was not complete. The knowledge regarding the de-addiction measures were optimal.