Abstract:Aim and Objective: To evaluate the effect of iron supplements response for Anaemia in chronic kidney disease patients.
Materials and methods: A prospective study was carried out in Chronic Kidney Disease patients who were suffering from anaemia and were on dialysis. Patient’s demographic details, previous medical history of chronic kidney disease were collected and the effectiveness of iron supplement response on Anaemia by using one way ANOVA followed by Tukey- Kramer multiple comparison test. Patient information leaflet was prepared and distributed.
Results: The study result showed that 111 were enrolled in the study over a 12 month period. Patients were randomized as follows: regular oral iron; 31 patients; (ii) regular intravenous iron; 34 patients; (iii) Intravenous iron along with Oral iron; 41 patients. Results are expressed ± SD, Analysis of variance and paired t –tests were used to compare the data. A P value of less than 0.05 was considered significant. The parameters like RBC, Haemoglobin, Hematocrit and Mean Corpuscular Volume were found significant.
Conclusion: We compare the haematological parameters with three different regimens of iron supplements like regular oral iron supplements, regular intravenous iron supplements and intravenous along with oral iron supplements. Our review shows that Patients given intravenous along with oral iron supplements shows significant improvement in haematological parameters like RBC, Haemoglobin, Hematocrit and Mean Corpuscular Volume. Patient information leaflet was prepared and distributed through Nephrology department to improve patients understanding of disease management.