Handling of pre-partum vaginal prolapsed in an advanced pregnant murrah she buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) followed by hypocalcaemia: A case report
Ankesh Kumar, Anil Kumar, CS Azad and Ajeet Kumar
A she buffalo of institutional livestock farm aged about 7 years and 3rd parity with advance pregnancy presented to gynaecology clinic with complaint of vaginal prolapsed. The prolapsed mass was replaced to normal position and prior to reposition animal has been given posterior epidural anaesthesia, anti-inflammatory, antihistaminic preparation as well as rope truss for a week. The green fodder Berseem which was used for routine feeding since 15 days was reduced to half. After a week, animal did not show any vaginal prolapse onwards. Later after 12 days, since report of vaginal prolapsed, animal successfully delivered a healthy male calf. A day after parturition animal became weak, anorectic, and inactive and finally went into sternal recumbency with hypothermia and ruminal stasis. The animal was tentatively diagnosed as hypocalcaemic. Blood serum calcium level showed 5.87 mg/dL. The buffalo successfully recovered after administration of calcium borogluconate together with Magnesium and Phosphorous and Dextrose solution. Excess feeding of phytoestrogenic fodder may have detrimental effects in the form of prolapsed of vagina especially in last trimester of gestational stages.
How to cite this article:
Ankesh Kumar, Anil Kumar, CS Azad, Ajeet Kumar. Handling of pre-partum vaginal prolapsed in an advanced pregnant murrah she buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) followed by hypocalcaemia: A case report. Pharma Innovation 2018;7(4):732-734.