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Vol. 7, Issue 2 (2018)

Effect of rice establishment methods on production potential of fodder crops in rice-fodder system

Suchismita Tripathy, Akshaya Kumar Sethy and Asim Ch Dash
An experiment was conducted to study the production potential of rice- fodder cropping system under various rice establishment methods during kharif and rabi season of 2013-14 at the Forage Crop Research Farm, Central Research Station, Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology, Bhubaneswar. It was laid out in split plot design with three replications, four methods of rice cultivation viz. conventional method (M1), SRI raised bed (M2), SRI flat bed (M3) and aerobic (M4) assigned to the main plot during kharif season and three fodder crops viz. oat (C1), berseem (C2) and lathyrus (C3) assigned to the sub plot and grown after rice during rabi season. SRI raised bed registered maximum rice grain yield and straw yield (4.67 and 5.69 t ha-1, respectively) and was statistically at par with SRI flat bed (4.18 and 5.46 t ha-1, respectively). Green fodder yield (GFY) and Dry matter yield (DMY) were higher for fodder crops when grown after aerobic rice. Fodder oat grown after aerobic rice registered maximum GFY and DMY (31.27 and 7.19 t ha-1, respectively). Crude protein yield (CPY) of fodder crops was maximum when grown after aerobic rice but were on a par with SRI raised bed and flat bed. CPY of oat (662.21 kg ha-1) was more than berseem and lathyrus. Maximum CPY (662.21 kg ha-1) was recorded in fodder oat grown after aerobic rice. Oat green fodder equivalent yield (OGFEY) of rice- fodder system was maximum when fodder crops were grown after SRI-raised bed rice (69.67 t ha-1) and was at par with OGFEY yield (64.27 t ha-1) of SRI flat bed-fodder system. Performance of fodder oat grown after rice raised in SRI raised bed was significantly better with OGFEY of 79.26 t ha-1. SRI raised bed rice- oat sequence registered maximum Gross Monetary Returns(GMR) of Rs.79260. Rice-Oat system was most profitable with B: C ratio of 2.05 than berseem (1.64) and lathyrus (1.68). Highest B: C ratio was recorded from aerobic rice– fodder oat (2.32) followed by SRI raised bed– fodder oat (2.10) system.
Pages: 291-294  |  64 Views  44 Downloads

The Pharma Innovation Journal
How to cite this article:
Suchismita Tripathy, Akshaya Kumar Sethy, Asim Ch Dash. Effect of rice establishment methods on production potential of fodder crops in rice-fodder system. Pharma Innovation 2018;7(2):291-294.

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