Abstract:The renewal of reproductive function of women suffering from infertility is an extremely topical problem. The last decades have been characterized by the increasing proliferation of assisted reproductive technologies for the treatment of infertile couples in our country and throughout the world. Women with induced pregnancy are among the high risk groups for miscarriage and other complications of gestational process and childbirth.
The Objective: of this study was to optimize the program of pre-gravida preparation in patients with infertility, included in the program of auxiliary reproductive technologies, with risk factors for implantation disorder.
Materials and methods of the study: A comprehensive examination of 100 women with infertility was performed; they were divided into observation groups, taking into account the suggested approaches to pre-conceptual preparation: the main group receiving a comprehensive pathogenetically grounded pre-gravida program and a comparison group that received the standard scheme of preparation for the program of assisted reproductive technologies. The control group included 30 women whose pregnancy occurred in the natural cycle and with uncomplicated course. There was performed general clinical examination, ultrasound examination, determination of hormonal and immunological status.
Results of the research and their discussion: The positive effect of the proposed pre-conceptional preparation on the prevention of complications of pregnancy in women after assisted reproductive technologies is confirmed by the normalization of clinical, immunological, hormonal and endothelial status, the state of the fetoplacental complex and the newborn.
Conclusion: The proposed pre-gravida preparation in women with induced pregnancy by normalizing the balance of hormonal, immunological and endothelial factors can reduce the proportion of gestational complications, accelerate the regress of clinical signs of the threat of abortion and promote the successful prolongation of pregnancy in women with subchorionic hematoma