The quantitative content of the phenolic compounds in the Stellaria media herb
VM Vodoslavskyi
To quantify the content of phenolic compounds in different series of Stellaria media herb. The content of the total amount of oxidizable phenols is not less than 6.5%, the total amount of hydroxycinnamic acids – not less than 1.5%, the total amount of flavonoids – not less than 1.2%, the total amount of catechins – not less than 0.6% with reference to the dry raw material. The standardization parameters for the Stellaria media herb have been determined on the basis of the research conducted. The results were used for developing the project of quality control methods «Stellaria herb» and «Stellaria tincture».
How to cite this article:
VM Vodoslavskyi. The quantitative content of the phenolic compounds in the Stellaria media herb. Pharma Innovation 2017;6(2):174-175.