Knowledge, attitudes and practices of healthcare professionals towards adverse drug reaction reporting in Adama hospital medical college, east Shoa zone, Oromia regional state, Ethiopia
Mohammed Hussen Bule, Beyan Abrahim Hamido, Tesemma Sileshi Chala and Gabisa Tuji Kefeni
Abstract:Background: Spontaneous reporting is currently the major back bone for the detection of adverse drug reactions.
This study assessed the knowledge, attitude and practices of adverse drug reaction reporting among health professionals in Adama Hospital Medical College. The study is a descriptive quantitative cross sectional study. A questionnaire was used to collect data. A test of association of selected variables was done using Pearson chi–square and logistic analysis to measure the association. The study included 130 health professionals to assess the knowledge, attitudes and practices of adverse drug reaction reporting. From a total of 130 health professionals, 100 (76.9%) of the respondents were able to differentiate ADR from side effects and only 22 (16.9%) respondents felt that they are adequately trained in ADR reporting. Out of 130 respondents 76 (58.5%) and 62 (47.7%) knew the availability of national reporting system and ADR reporting form in Ethiopia respectively. Out of 130 health professionals, 84 (64.6%) encountered ADR in their clinical practice, but only 59(45.4%) of them recorded in patient card and only 38(29.2%) of them reported to responsible body. Underreporting of ADR by healthcare professionals were identified in this study. Training sessions to clarify the role of various healthcare professionals in ADR reporting, will hopefully fill the observed gap in knowledge and practices.
How to cite this article:
Mohammed Hussen Bule, Beyan Abrahim Hamido, Tesemma Sileshi Chala, Gabisa Tuji Kefeni. Knowledge, attitudes and practices of healthcare professionals towards adverse drug reaction reporting in Adama hospital medical college, east Shoa zone, Oromia regional state, Ethiopia. Pharma Innovation 2016;5(7):24-28.