Volume 3, Issue 12


Assessment of toxic effects of hydro-alcoholic extract of Terminalia mantaly h. Perrier(Combretaceae) via hematological evaluation in rats

Author: KAMO Irie Lou Bohila Emilie, TRA Bi Irie Otis, GNAHOUE Goueh, DJYH Bernard Nazaire, YEO Dodehe, DJAMAN Allico Joseph, N’GUESSAN Jean David

Abstract: Objective: This study investigated the acute and subacute toxicity effects of hydro-alcoholic extract of Terminalia mantaly. Hematological assessments as well as the body weights of the rats were measured.
Methods: the acute toxicity of hydro-alcoholic extracts of stem bark from Terminalia mantaly was testing in mices. The hydro-alcoholic extract were administered orally at a single dose of 300, 2000 and 5000 mg/kg body weight to the mice and then observed individually 1 h post-administration, and at least once daily for 14 days. Subacute toxicity was evaluated after administering daily oral doses of 150; 300 and 600 mg/kg body weight, for 28 days to the rats. Hematological assessment as well as body weights of the rats were carried out.
Results: The limit dose of 5000 mg/kg did not cause any mortality or signs of acute toxicity in the mice tested during the observation period. Concerning the subacute toxicity, the result revealed an increase of the body weight of treated rats and control group body weight. The hemoglobin (Hb) amount, hematocrit (Hct) value, and the red blood cell (RBC) count decreased significantly (P<0.01) in the blood of in the  treated group with 600 mg/kg body weight  compared to contro. Lymphocyte were not significantly difference (p<0.05) treated groups as compared control in first week. The neutrophil  and monocytes parameters increases significantly (p<0,05) for both groups of rats that received 150; 300 and 600 mg/kg extract as compared to effect time.
Our results suggest that the hydro-alcoholic extract of T. mantaly is relatively safe when administered orally in rats.


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