Volume 3, Issue 12


A case study on over the counter use of antibiotics and NSAIDS leading to acute kidney injury

Author: Dr. Mohd Ilyaz, Dr. Parthasardhi Sarvepalli, Dr. Samiya Abdul Saleem Khan, Dr. Shaheda Siddiqui

Abstract: OTC medicines are easily accessible to common people. Many people prefer this medicine in order to relieve themselves from any kind of pain or injury they suffer. Excess use of these medications without consulting the doctor may lead to serious complications. Long term use of antibiotics and analgesics can degrade the renal functioning and other life threatening situation. We report a case of 48 year old man suffered from nail injury and he has taken Amikacin and Analgesics for the injury which leads to kidney injury. This case will help people for making awareness regarding the use of OTC drugs.


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