Volume 3, Issue 12


Insulin resistance changes in obese hypertensive patients under the influence of treatment depending on ace (i/d), ppar-γ (pro12ala) genes polymorphism

Author: Larysa Sydorchuk, Alina Sokolenko, Andriy Sydorchuk, Oksana Korovenkova, Ruslan Sydorchuk, Maxim Sokolenko.

Abstract: The dynamics of glycemic profile and functional activity of pancreatic β-cells data in patients with essential arterial hypertension (EAH) and abdominal obesity (AO) in association with insertion-deletion (I/D) polymorphism of ACE gene (rs4646994) and Pro12?l? polymorphism of PPAR-γ2 gene (rs1801282) under the influence of treatment were evaluated. Complex treatment improved the carbohydrate balance but only in I-allele carriers of ACE gene significantly: reducing plasma fasting glucose and C-peptide (ID-genotype) by 16.5% (p=0.035) and 33.0% (p=0.018), Insulin and insulin resistance HOMA-IR index (II-genotype) by 21.1% (p=0.011) and 23.7% (p=0.008) respectively, contrary functional activity of pancreatic β-cells HOMA-Fβ index increased (ID-genotype) by 53.9% (p=0.007). Depending on PPAR-?2 gene genotypes C-peptide decreased by 26.2% (p=0.05) but only in ProPro-genotype carriers. The glycemic profile improved more effective under the treatment in EAH and AO patients with I-allele and ProPro-genotype in haplotype (II/Pro12, ID/Pro12 combinations).


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