Volume 3, Issue 12


Characteristics of leukocyte profile of blood and criteria sirs in patients with abdominal sepsis

Author: V.Fedorov

Abstract: Results of surgical treatment of 284 patients with acute appendicitis, cholecystitis, infected pancreatic necrosis and perforation of the stomach ulcer or duodenal ulcer were analyzed. All patients were divided into two groups: I - 100 patients with abdominal sepsis (35.2%) and II - 184 - without it. The study found that abdominal sepsis developed significantly more often in elderly and senile patients (p <0.05). Postoperative complications and mortality are significantly more frequently encountered in patients with AS, respectively, 8.6% versus 2.8% (p <0.05) and 10% versus 1.6% (p <0.05). Abdominal sepsis resulted in a high level of LII and reduction of the absolute number of lymphocytes, which can be considered an objective evidence of potentiated endogenous intoxication and immunosuppression.


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