Volume 3, Issue 10


Clinical and radiological and endoscopic Manifestations of inflammation of the bronchial tree in tuberculosis combined with nonspecific lung diseases

Author: Kh. I. Volnytska

Abstract: The peculiarities of the clinical manifestations and clinical course of nonspecific inflammation with destructive pulmonary tuberculosis.
The study involved 300 patients with destructive pulmonary tuberculosis at the age of 15 to 78. Of these, 93 (31.0%) patients were selected who had tuberculosis combined with chronic bronchitis and who formed the first examination group. The second group of those examined included 207 (69.0%) pulmonary tuberculosis patients without chronic bronchitis. The clinical and laboratory, radiological and bronchoscopic study methods were used to conduct the examination.
Based on the analysis of examination results of newly diagnosed destructive tuberculosis patients, high frequency of chronic bronchitis that occurs before the development of specific inflammation was determined using the clinical and laboratory, radiological and bronchoscopic methods. The results of endoscopic studies revealed that in case of destructive pulmonary tuberculosis the nature of endobronchial changes depended on the duration and prevalence of specific inflammation and had two variants of the course: nonspecific diffused inflammation of bronchus as a result of chronic bronchitis and the so-called reactive paraspecific endobronchitis as a consequence of toxic and allergic reactions of tuberculous process.
The results obtained showed that there are two variants of endobronchitis in destructive pulmonary tuberculosis: nonspecific chronic bronchitis existing before the onset of tuberculous inflammation as an independent nosological form, as well as the so-called reactive "paraspecific" endobronchitis caused by tuberculosis intoxication, irritant and allergic influence of sputum produced from the cavern of destruction.


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