Volume 3, Issue 10


The features of immune reactivity in patients with ischemic heart failure

Author: Fedorov S.V.

Abstract: The immune reactivity in 389 patients (300 males and 89 females with average age (69.04±10.99) years) with ischemic heart failure (HF) and in 30 apparently healthy persons (20 males and 10 females with average age (66.14±12.31) years) was examined. The activity of lymphocytes and neutrophils was studied by using of blast transformation reaction test and phagocytic activity tests, respectively. The levels of circulating immune complexes were detected by precipitation method. HF is characterized of decrease of phagocytic activity of neutrophils, increase of serum levels of pathologic low- and middle-molecular mass circulating immune complexes and decline of high-molecular circulating immune complexes. Thus, in patients with ischemic heart failure the immune reactivity disturbances are present which are typical for chronic inflammation.


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