Volume 2, Issue 9


Martorell’s Syndrom: Diagnosis and Treatment


Author: Oleg Atamanyuk1*1

1. Surgery Department of Postgraduate Faculty, Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine

Abstract: Martorell's syndrome is a rare form of trophic leg ulcers, which is diagnosed in patients with a long medical history of hypertension. The peculiarity of these ulcers is their frequent localization in the lower third of the anterior-lateral surface of the tibia and pain syndrome on a relatively small area and depth of injury. This study describes the diagnostic criteria and proposes a comprehensive approach to the treatment of the problem, including the prescription of antihypertensive remedy, intravenously 100 ml infusions of 4, 2% Arginine hydrochloride solution and 400 mg of deproteinized hemoderivative of calf blood with combined ointment local treatment (betamethasone (100 mg), gentamycin sulfate (100 mg), as well as Melladerm PLUS gel. The proposed comprehensive treatment of Martorell's ulcers eliminated the pain of all patients within 14 days of therapy and facilitated a complete epithelization of leg ulcers in 84.2% of patients within 60 days.

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